I am a Soul Guide and Sound Healer. I am passionate about helping spiritual seekers and wayshowers uncover their latent gifts and bring their soul's purpose to life.

Hey there, I'm Simran Ngolet


As a Sound Healer, I create ethereal melodies and healing vibrations that transport you to a state of deep relaxation and spiritual awakening. Through my intuitive guidance and connection with the Akashic Records, I serve as an Intuitive Soul Guide, helping you uncover your life's purpose, navigate challenges, and tap into your true potential. With compassion and authenticity, I create a safe space for exploration and growth, empowering you to embrace your authentic self and manifest your highest potential. Together, we will embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and spiritual transformation. Let's connect and unlock the wisdom that awaits within you.

I'm Simran N'golet, a dedicated Sound Healer and Intuitive Soul Guide. Through the power of sound and my intuitive abilities, I offer transformative experiences that touch the depths of your soul.

I'm obsessed with helping Lightworkers, mystics, and Starseeds

Welcome, Starshine!

Over a decade ago, my spiritual journey began with a profound encounter with Native American mentors who recognized something extraordinary within me. They revealed that I was a "Wayshower," a beacon of light meant to guide others on their path. This revelation awakened my dormant intuitive abilities, and I embarked on a transformative quest to explore and develop my spiritual gifts.

As I delved deeper into my intuitive nature, I discovered the remarkable power of sound as a healing modality. Guided by my mentors and fueled by my innate connection to the divine, I immersed myself in the study of sound healing.

I learned to harness the vibrations of voice and various instruments to create harmonies that resonated with the soul, bringing balance, healing, and transformation. With each healing session, I witnessed the profound impact sound had on individuals, as it awakened their innate healing abilities and brought them closer to their true selves.

Through years of practice, exploration, and guidance, I honed my skills as a Sound Healer and became attuned to the subtle energies within and around me. This journey has not only empowered me to embrace my purpose as a Wayshower but also instilled in me a deep sense of gratitude and a commitment to share the healing power of sound with the world. Today, I stand as a conduit for divine energies, guiding others on their own spiritual journeys and offering the transformative gift of sound healing.

"The intersection of intuitive soul guidance and sound healing is a gateway to profound transformation. By attuning ourselves to the whispers of our soul and harnessing the healing vibrations of sound, we unlock the power to align with our purpose, embrace our authentic selves, and create a life of joy and abundance. It is in this sacred space of inner exploration and resonance that we discover the keys to unlocking our true potential and living a life in harmony with our soul's calling"
"Unlocking the secrets of your Soul Blueprint is like finding the treasure map to your true purpose. It's a transformative journey of self-discovery, where each step reveals a deeper understanding of who you are and the unique gifts you bring to the world. Embrace the wisdom within, and watch as your soul's purpose unfolds with grace and clarity."

-Simran N'golet

"Happy Tea" - Iced Passion Tea with Agave Nectar and a shot of Rose Nectar

Favorite Drink


Favorite Color


Favorite Season

Gemini Sun
Libra Moon
Leo Rising

Astrology Big 3

Any Noodle or Pasta Dish

Favorite Foods

Blueprint Technician & Lyran

Starseed Type

6 Random Facts


Full Professional Bio

Simran N'golet is a highly respected Sound Healer and Intuitive Soul Guide, renowned for their exceptional skills and transformative work. Simran identifies as Non Binary and embraces the use of they/them pronouns, promoting inclusivity and respect for diverse identities.

With a profound understanding of the healing power of sound, Simran has captivated audiences worldwide with their ethereal melodies and captivating vocal abilities. Their unique compositions and performances create a harmonious tapestry of healing vibrations, enabling individuals to experience deep states of relaxation, inner peace, and spiritual awakening.

As an Intuitive Soul Guide, Simran possesses a natural ability to access the wisdom of the soul realm, guiding individuals towards clarity, purpose, and personal growth. Their deep connection to the Akashic Records, an energetic repository of knowledge, allows them to provide profound insights and transformative guidance to those seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and their life's path.

Simran's coaching skills further enhance their ability to empower individuals on their spiritual journeys. Through compassionate support and intuitive guidance, they create a safe and nurturing space for clients to explore their innermost desires, release energetic blockages, and align their lives with their soul's true purpose. Simran's commitment to fostering personal empowerment and growth has earned them a reputation as a trusted mentor and guide.

Their impact extends beyond individual sessions, as Simran actively shares their knowledge and expertise through workshops, retreats, and online programs. Their inclusive and accepting approach ensures that individuals from all backgrounds and identities feel welcome and supported. Simran's dedication to creating a safe and empowering environment has touched the lives of countless individuals, helping them discover their authentic selves and manifest their highest potential.

Simran N'golet's contributions as a Sound Healer and Intuitive Soul Guide have garnered widespread recognition and respect within the healing and spiritual communities. Their commitment to promoting inclusivity, their exceptional skills in sound healing, and their intuitive guidance have transformed lives and inspired individuals to embark on profound journeys of self-discovery and personal transformation.

For those seeking healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth, Simran N'golet's expertise and compassionate guidance offer a transformative pathway towards embracing one's true self and finding harmony within. Connect with Simran to embark on a journey of profound healing, inner exploration, and spiritual empowerment.

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the Gram

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